Monday, December 31, 2007

#1 - The End

this is my first post on my first blog in the last day of 2007. it's actually my first blog post ever, it just happened to be on that last 2007 day.
i'm trying hard to avoid saying that nothing interesting happened that year. a whole 12 months is a long time. i hate thinking it was all waisted on nothingness.
2007 looks to me now like poor birds stuck in an oil stain in the sea. all you see is a big puddle of gooey oil and then every once and again you see a bird forming out of it, tired and helpless, and your lack of ability to help it makes you feel tired and useless. but sometimes you manage to clean the oil and the bird is healthy and it might fly again some day, and suddenly, being able to save just a handful of birds makes you think it might not have been completely in vain but then you know it's just the world's way to lead you on thinking that keeping an optimistic view is worth while, that all those disappointments and heart-aches were worth the bearing. i think i consist more and more of those disappointments and heart-aches and less and less of anything else.
2008 be gentle with me, please.

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